Central Testing Laboratory Ltd.
Analize Achieve Advance

Nitrates in Forages

Sep 19, 2017

Nitrates in Forages

High levels of Nitrate in Forages is known as causing toxicity problems to livestock. Different animals react differently to Nitrate concentrations.

Many factors effect on Nitrates level in plants; Nitrogen Fertilizer makes Nitrate available to plant by the soil, When plant is stressed by the weather (hot dry winds, hail, frost, cool & cloudy). When moisture gets higher in the bales, it causes Nitrates to be converted to Nitrites (which are ten times more toxic than Nitrates). Herbicides and plant diseases can cause high Nitrate levels as well.

We report Nitrate levels, at Central Testing Lab. Ltd. 0.0 to 1.0 (% of Nitrate in Forage):

Forage with less than 0.5- Safe level

Forage with 0.5-1.0- Caution (reduction in weight gain, lower milk production and other physical signs)
Forage with 1.0- Toxic level, high Nitrate feed (death occurs, abortions)

Almost all forages contain Nitrates. Knowing the Nitrates level and making balanced rations will reduce your potential problems in livestock operation.

We can help you with Nitrate Testing!