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FORAGE Testing By Wet Chemistry
1FF $53
Moisture, DMDry Matter, CPCrude Protein, CaCALCIUM, PPHOSPHORUS, MgMAGNESIUM, KPOTASSIUM, NaSODIUM, ADFAcid Detergent Fibre, TDNTotal Digestible Nutrients, NELNet Energy for Lactation, MEMetabolizable Energy for Cattle, DEDigestible Energy, NEMNet Energy for Maintenance, NEGNet Energy for Gain
2FF $63
Moisture, DMDry Matter, CPCrude Protein, CaCALCIUM, PPHOSPHORUS, MgMAGNESIUM, KPOTASSIUM, NaSODIUM, ADFAcid Detergent Fibre, NDFNeutral Detergent Fibre, NFCNon Fibre Carbohydrates, RFVRelative Feed Value, TDNTotal Digestible Nutrients, NELNet Energy for Lactation, MEMetabolizable Energy for Cattle, DEDigestible Energy, NEMNet Energy for Maintenance, NEGNet Energy for Gain
10FF $125
Moisture, DMDry Matter, CPCrude Protein, Fat, Ash, CaCALCIUM, PPHOSPHORUS, MgMAGNESIUM, KPOTASSIUM, NaSODIUM, CuCOPPER, FeIRON, MnMANGANESE, ZnZINC, MoMOLYBDENUM, Lignin, ADFAcid Detergent Fibre, NDFNeutral Detergent Fibre, Esc (Simple Sugars), Starch (Megazyme), Wsc (Water Soluble Carbs As Simple Sugar), NFCNon Fibre Carbohydrates, RFVRelative Feed Value, Digestible Energy for Horses, NSCNon Structural Carbohydrate, TDNTotal Digestible Nutrients
12FF $51
Moisture, DMDry Matter, Nitrates (Total NO₃)
13FF $74
Moisture, DMDry Matter, CPCrude Protein, CaCALCIUM, PPHOSPHORUS, MgMAGNESIUM, KPOTASSIUM, NaSODIUM, Nitrates (Total NO₃), ADFAcid Detergent Fibre, NDFNeutral Detergent Fibre, NFCNon Fibre Carbohydrates, RFVRelative Feed Value, TDNTotal Digestible Nutrients, NELNet Energy for Lactation, MEMetabolizable Energy for Cattle, DEDigestible Energy, NEMNet Energy for Maintenance, NEGNet Energy for Gain
FORAGE Testing by Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)
Minerals done by wet chemistry for 1FFNIR-B & 2FFNIR-B
1FFNIR-B $41
Moisture, DMDry Matter, CaCALCIUM, PPHOSPHORUS, MgMAGNESIUM, KPOTASSIUM, NaSODIUM, Insoluble Protein, CPCrude Protein, Lignin, NDFNeutral Detergent Fibre, ADFAcid Detergent Fibre, NDI-CPNeutral Detergent Insoluble Crude Protein, ADI-CPAcid Detergent Insoluble Crude Protein, NFCNon Fibre Carbohydrates, RFQRelative Forage Quality, RFVRelative Feed Value, TDNTotal Digestible Nutrients, NELNet Energy for Lactation, MEMetabolizable Energy for Cattle, DEDigestible Energy, NEMNet Energy for Maintenance, NEGNet Energy for Gain
2FFNIR-B $45
Moisture, DMDry Matter, CaCALCIUM, PPHOSPHORUS, MgMAGNESIUM, KPOTASSIUM, NaSODIUM, CPCrude Protein, Insoluble Protein, Fat, Ash, Lignin, NDFNeutral Detergent Fibre, ADFAcid Detergent Fibre, NDI-CPNeutral Detergent Insoluble Crude Protein, ADI-CPAcid Detergent Insoluble Crude Protein, NDFD48Neutral Detergent Fibre Digestibility 48Hr, Ivtdmd48Invitro True Digestibility 48Hr, NFCNon Fibre Carbohydrates, RFQRelative Forage Quality, RFVRelative Feed Value, TDNTotal Digestible Nutrients, NELNet Energy for Lactation, MEMetabolizable Energy for Cattle, DEDigestible Energy, NEMNet Energy for Maintenance, NEGNet Energy for Gain
3FFNIR-B $33
Moisture, DMDry Matter, CPCrude Protein, Lignin, NDFNeutral Detergent Fibre, ADFAcid Detergent Fibre, NDI-CPNeutral Detergent Insoluble Crude Protein, ADI-CPAcid Detergent Insoluble Crude Protein, NFCNon Fibre Carbohydrates, RFQRelative Forage Quality, RFVRelative Feed Value, TDNTotal Digestible Nutrients, NELNet Energy for Lactation, MEMetabolizable Energy for Cattle, DEDigestible Energy, NEMNet Energy for Maintenance, NEGNet Energy for Gain
4FFNIR-B $26
Moisture, DMDry Matter, Insoluble Crude Protein, CPCrude Protein, Ash, Fat, CaCALCIUM, PPHOSPHORUS, MgMAGNESIUM, KPOTASSIUM, ADFAcid Detergent Fibre, NDFNeutral Detergent Fibre, Lignin, NDI-CPNeutral Detergent Insoluble Crude Protein, ADI-CPAcid Detergent Insoluble Crude Protein, dndf24Digestible Neutral Detergent Fibre 24 hour, dndf30Digestible Neutral Detergent Fibre 30 hour, dndf48Digestible Neutral Detergent Fibre 48 hour, Ivtdmd48Invitro True Digestibility 48Hr, Ivtdmd30Invitro True Digestibility 30Hr, Ivtdmd24Invitro True Digestibility 24Hr, NDFD48Neutral Detergent Fibre Digestibility 48Hr, NDFD30Neutral Detergent Fibre Digestibility 30Hr, NDFD24Neutral Detergent Fibre Digestibility 24Hr, Fructan, Starch, ESCSimple Sugars, WSCWater Soluble Carbs as Simple Sugar, NFCNon Fibre Carbohydrates, RFQRelative Forage Quality, RFVRelative Feed Value, TDNTotal Digestible Nutrients, NELNet Energy for Lactation, MEMetabolizable Energy for Cattle, DEDigestible Energy, NEMNet Energy for Maintenance, NEGNet Energy for Gain
Contact Central Testing Laboratory Ltd. for additional testing and pricing
Prices subject to change without notice.
Rush testing and rechecks may be subject to additional charges.
Please add 5% GST to all prices. A minimum charge of $25 per invoice applies.
Effective February 1, 2024 |