Central Testing Laboratory Ltd.
Analize Achieve Advance

Particle size in Forage and TMR samples

























Apr 24, 2018

Particle size in Forage and TMR samples

Forage and TMR particle size is an important role in Ration formulation. It measures the quantity (%) of effective Fiber from the feed the dairy cow.

Analyzing the particles the cow consumes can be done on a forage sample, or on a mix of forages. It’s recommended to test TMR to get real value of a fiber level in the ration. Particle size can be effected by the forage’s stage of maturity and its chopped length. Bringing representative sample to a laboratory, properly mixed is essential factor (as this should represent the actual feed is being fed to the animals). There are certain accepted levels for particle size for Corn Silage, Haylage and for TMR.

By testing Forage’s/ Ration’s or TMR’s particle size, you can avoid rumen acidosis, rumen fermentation and digestion problems, or animal’s intake. Therefore, too fine or too long feed particles is not recommended. For a good feed evaluation, get your TMR particle size tested in several locations along the feeding route.

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